Active Interests

anything I'm actively keeping tabs on.

Awful Hospital

cool webcomic

awesome web game. i opened it after having saved the link for like 2 week and then i played all of it from start to current content at that time (ep2). I don't even know why I found this game. I just randomly decided to open the stream suggestions channel in hollow_tones server once, found this and then never opened that channel again.

Disco Elysium

point and click adventure game where you play as. Him. whats the state on the devthing anyways I'm not sure. in any case go look into the deal with ZAUM studio and the people who made disco elysium so you can figure out if you want to [OBTAIN IT. LEGALLY. SMILING.] or give ZAUM your money

Dungeon Meshi

really good manga. and anime now too! Read it read it nowww its like if someone looked at fantasy and was like "what if I made an awesome thing of this". what i just typed was absolute nothing- point is its good

Fallen London

fuuuuck i open fallen london im like "yeah ok whatever" and im just realizing im hooked onto this game several weekly rewards later. uh, it has an energy system and stuff locked behind a paywall. some of the paid stuff is Neat Sidecontent (presumable IDK havent bought it) and then you also have the generic pay-for-more-actions stuff. Don't buy actions. if you can get through the initial grind, you'll be met with more grind AND neat writing. yeah dont play this game if you hate grind. do play this game if you want to read cool words. or if you like making your character stare at bones all day every day to get enough money to afford their horrible, horrible laudanum addiction.

Lisa the Painful and related

what if an old guy was so so sad

there are so many fangames. i like some of them

Lisa the Timeless

Good RPGMaker game. I don't know why I like it so much. Similar to other games in that you play an old dude with back problems.

Lisa the Unbreakable

Good RPGMaker game.

Modded Minecraft

big fan of thaumcraft 4, roots 3, and farmers delight. love betweenlands love hexcasting god that mod made my head hurt but then I like watched a tutorial and now I know how to read the guidebook. chromaticraft good too.
Also play Blightfall its an incredibly made thaumcraft 4 pack.

Outer Wilds

Have you played Outer Wilds? Do you play Outer Wilds? Will you play Outer Wilds? When will you play Outer Wilds? as someone who played through the entire thing on a laptop at a constant below-15 fps having to adjust for the delay in me moving my mouse, it's one of the best games I've ever played. Go into it without spoilers (or at least with a co-pilot who won't be like "lol whats [CLUE TO SPOILER] aha wonder what that could be").

Prequel Adventure

(2023/Oct/2) one day the short man will update the comic


One of those games where the mods are quality enough that you're missing out without them. But, still playable on its own! This game is addictive. I love it. You don't have to commit war crimes on purpose in this game. (...putting raiders in blood chambers to produce blood for my vampires isn't war crimes...) I'm still on my first colony as of typing this. They keep slapping the shit out of eachother. Most of my blood use is making my vampires use their blood magic to heal eachother when they decide to just fight eachother. Game good.


me opening the game knowing absolutely nothing aside from seeing ppl on tumblr talking about the lesbian robot game. going from Wheres the lesbian to Oh theres the lesbian to Oh my god its been lesbian since the start


dnd show. is good

Terminal 230

Extreme epilepsy warning for this whole site. Some of these pages want to rip your eyes out of your sockets with how much they flicker colours. really cool site. the quality of the boxes are impeccable. the every other part of the site is neat too, I guess.


Thaumcraft. Thaumcraft seven. Look at me.

Thaumcraft 7 is a mod being made by the CoFH team as an official continuation of Azanors thaumcraft 1-6.

There are several sneak peeks and videos, with screenshots being posted every few weeks in the CoFH discord. Wands. Thaumonomicon. New research system.

If you don't read the pins, every user is contractually obligated to raise their eyebrow at you and shake their heads disapprovingly.

Twitch (various)

im not. making a category for each streamer i watch. anyways. tomato and socksbx and hollow_tones. go watch them.


really good game. doing a fist only run has rendered me unable to use weapons. if someone tells you that you need to learn how to "triple gunkboost" or that you're playing like this one person they don't like, you don't have to listen to them.

World of IO

dnd show series thing. go watch goblins of io. or like, any of the several other things they have.

"oh i know that one"/Mild Interests


pretty neat browser game.

Butterscotch Shenanigans

Games are good, both mobile and not. Waiting for crashlands 2.

Candy Box 2

hell fucking yes candy box 2 candy box 2 yes. YES. Play this game. Specifically wait to get like what was it 30 candies and then click the more features button. This game was corru observer before corru observer to me. Play corru observer. Play candy box 2. Play a dark room. Where am I

Deep Rock Galactic

gunkblaster main. that is not what the weapon is called but its a corrosive gunkblaster. Play it. Scared of multiplayer? The game gives you a drone (BOSCO) when playing solo specifically to let people play solo without losing out on revives and an ally.





Final Fantasy 14

got to level 60 fishing on a character, decided my name sucks (I didn't know the cat ppl had naming conventions D:), and now I'm on a new character (now completely ignoring conventions instead of accidentally going against them). not that active but I do want to get around to (re)playing it more. If you ever get someone to play ff14? Just a heads up. Don't poke at every bad thing in ARR? This behaviour is why I stopped playing on my first account. It felt like I being told I wasn't supposed to enjoy anything about the game I was playing until 'the good part'. reminds me of 'skip to act 5'...

Find Everything

one of those roblox games that is an actual game and not. Eat Sludge Simulator (17+)


game of jumping and punching a guy 1000 times


they made mobile games that were games and not. Grime Tycoon or Egg Factory or whatever.




I have thoughts about this game. It's good. Play it.

Jelly Defense

neat game.

Marimo Dungeon

rest in, uh, pieces. fun game that isnt available anymore, I think.


I need. to play multiplayer terraria at some point.

Rain World

wawa slupcat. game good. learn the controls in the beginning of the game so you don't huck a spear into a wall or something. one of those games that expects you to learn things, which means there will be people who crave spoiling things for it.

Shadows Over Loathing

and by extension West of Loathing and Kingdom of Loathing. Games yay and awesome.


cool mobile roguelike.



Dormant Interests

Starbound (HEAVILY modded)

I don't know why I keep coming back to it. It's my most played steam game, somehow.

Cookie Run: Ovenbreak

they used to do events where you played a bit and then got a maxed-out good character. thats why I had a maxed-out lemon cookie, dj cookie, and whipped cream cookie. they literally annihilated skater cookie off of the face of the earth for no reason. oh yeah and all the microtransactions sucked too. you know what this game has done for me though? Its given me a reason to never play a gacha again (like i got poked to play genshin one time and. the rates man... what was it like 0.5% chance to pull like a 5 star)

ughuguhuuhuhh finish this later other things i missed here: wawa